Mark Warren, Co-Founder of FitVine Wines, lives about 20 minutes outside of Boston, with his wife and 2 boys, 14 and 9 years old. Before FitVine, Mark had built and sold a tech company that focused on being the behind the scenes support for large companies executing national rollouts of technology products. He has always been involved in fitness at some level since he was a child. Mark began playing soccer at 5 and by the time he was 12, that changed over to a much stricter discipline, TaeKwonDo. He studied intensely for 10 years, 6 days a week, many of those days were 5-6 hours at a time, and competed at a national level for almost 10 years during which he obtained his 4th degree black belt. He continued to train with it on a lesser degree for another handful of years, but in that time frame, worked with and learned a great deal about overall health and fitness from multiple backgrounds. Mark had a break for a few years until 2011 when he discovered CrossFit. CrossFit had almost the same intensity of his early days of training in martial arts and he has been hooked ever since. Now at 40, Mark doesn't have the time to train multiple hours a day and compete, but more to stay healthy and be a good example for his boys. The overall love of fitness is what brought he and his friend and also Co-Founder, Tom Beaton, to search for a healthy solution to incorporating alcohol into fitness. They’ve always been huge wine fans and knew that wine in essence, already had healthy components to it and how could they improve upon that and bring it to the fitness and active community…hence, FitVine Wine was born.